When I started my journey to be the real me,  I had no idea how things would change so fast.  When I was young and knew I was different that what everyone saw me,  I did not have the language to tell my parent what I was feeling.  My mother was good at isolating us kids from the world.  Spent most my time playing with my sister.  I did not have big issue until puberty.  That is for another post.

I like the read a lot about other transgender individual and keep up with issues that affect the Transgender community.  I was reading a article about a wife whose spouse transitioned.  This is different for everyone.  I was interested if her reaction was similar to the way my ex responded.  As I read the article she mentioned that she was also the mother of a young transgender girl.  That got me thinking.

How do they do it?  Her daughter was 11.  Jazz Jennings was 5 when she same out and a child I know was only 6.  Where did they get the language to express how they were feeling.  Where did the get the courage to open up with such a scary secret?  I envy all of them.  They have my full support and admiration.   How their lives would be so much better then those of that waited until later in life?

No Shaving

No Electrolysis

No need to have surgery to remove the Adam’s Apple.  (I never develop one or many other characteristics that males get during that time of there life)

Their voices will not be deepened. ( Again neither did mine)

No body hair.  ( I got that one)

They won’t have the scars of denying their true self for decades.  That is the biggest difference.  I ask my mother all the time what would she have done if a had the courage to tell her “I am a girl”.  She is not able to answer that.

There are thing they get to do that those that wait until they are adults.  The normal girl things.  There is Prom and other life events that they will engage in.  But it is the small stuff I wish I had.  They will learn to do make-up from their sisters or mother.  They will get to know how to do their hair.  That is my big issue.  They get to live a normal life.  (As normal as it can be being trans)

Now I know that the internet has a lot they could get information about the issue.  But at such a young age I am sure they could use the internet effectively.  I know that some of the young trans girls and boys have a great role model in Jazz Jennings.  Maybe if there were other young (or older for that matter) to look up to, it would become more “normal” in our society.   Maybe the world would get a little safer.

So to all the young ( and older) transgender individuals always remember that you ROCK.