One of the issues I am tired of hearing.  Religious Freedom Laws.   The constitution is clear on this.  It says that anyone can practice what the believe, or not believe, without the government passing laws about religion.  So why the issue?

But it also implies that you, the citizen, cannot force your beliefs on other that do not want it.  This is in the Bill of Rights.  So if you want to only serve those that have your beliefs that is ok, but there should be signs so people like me will take my business to another company.  That is how that systems works.  So if you want to say you will not serve LGBT people because you think it is against your religious beliefs then you need to be prepare to be denied services that do not believe what you do.

Let’s look at this.

Lets say you want to have lunch at the new deli on the corner.  The deli is owned be a Jewish woman.  She does not believe the Jesus was the messenger.  She will not serve Christians.  Is that ok with you?  There are several different Christians.  Apparently some believe God is angry and others believe what the bible say they should practice is love.

Did Jesus have “normal” people in his circle of close friends.  No.  He always show love to those on the edges.  He did not discriminate against anyone.  So why does the people for these laws not following Christ’s teachings?

Now I am not a Religious expert.  This is what I was taught in Catholic school and by what I read in the bible. But if you want to say “I should not have to serve those against my religious beliefs” then be prepared to be denied service by those that do not share your beliefs.